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Exploring the Drips and Drops: What Causes Plumbing Leaks in a Home and How a Home Inspector Can Help

OCT 13, 2023
Exploring the Drips and Drops: What Causes Plumbing Leaks in a Home and How a Home Inspector Can Help
Plumbing leaks can wreak havoc on your home, causing structural damage, mold growth, and expensive repairs. Fortunately, a professional home inspector can be your ally in identifying these issues before they become major problems. In this blog, we'll delve into the common causes of plumbing leaks and explore how a home inspector plays a crucial role in detecting them during a home inspection.

Home Inspector Marc Paterson Newmarket Picture of a leaking pipe as part of a plumbing inspection.jfif 6.19 KB
1. Age of Plumbing Fixtures
A qualified home inspector will assess the age and condition of your plumbing fixtures during an inspection. They can determine if your plumbing system contains older materials that are more susceptible to leaks, prompting you to consider necessary upgrades or repairs.
2. High Water Pressure
Inspectors will measure water pressure to ensure it falls within acceptable ranges. If the pressure is too high, they will note it as a potential issue that could lead to plumbing leaks. This observation will help you address the problem proactively by installing a pressure regulator.
3. Clogged Drains
Home inspectors will check for signs of clogged drains or pipes during their assessment. They may use cameras to inspect the interior of pipes and identify potential blockages that could lead to leaks, providing recommendations for drain cleaning or repairs.
4. Temperature Fluctuations
Inspectors often evaluate the insulation and protection of your plumbing against extreme temperatures. They'll check for proper insulation in areas susceptible to freezing and recommend any necessary improvements to prevent frozen pipes and potential leaks.
5. Poor Installation
Experienced home inspectors are skilled at recognizing signs of poor plumbing installation. They will inspect connections, fixtures, and materials to ensure everything is correctly installed, flagging any potential issues that could lead to leaks in the future.
6. Corrosion
A thorough home inspector will check the material and condition of your plumbing pipes. If they identify corrosion in metal pipes, they will note it in their report, and you can take the necessary steps to replace corroded pipes with more durable materials.
7. Tree Root Infiltration
For homes with outdoor plumbing systems, inspectors may inspect the condition of pipes near trees and look for signs of root infiltration. If potential issues are detected, they will recommend further inspection or necessary tree root barriers to prevent future problems.
8. Hard Water
During an inspection, an inspector may test your water quality and assess any scale buildup inside pipes or fixtures. They can recognize signs of hard water-related damage, such as corrosion or scale deposits, and advise you on potential solutions, like installing a water softener.
9. Deteriorating Seals and Gaskets
Home inspectors will scrutinize plumbing fixtures like faucets and toilets for signs of deteriorating seals and gaskets. If they detect leaks or wear and tear, they will suggest repairs or replacements, ensuring the fixtures are in good working order.
10. Physical Damage
Inspectors will identify any physical damage to plumbing components that may lead to leaks. Whether it's a dent in a pipe or a damaged fixture, their observations will prompt you to address these issues promptly, preventing potential leaks.
Home inspectors play a vital role in helping homeowners identify plumbing issues that could lead to leaks. Their expertise and comprehensive assessments can provide you with valuable insights and recommendations for preventive measures and repairs. By working with a qualified home inspector, you can gain peace of mind and protect your home from the potential hazards of plumbing leaks.
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